4th Place: Larchmont’s Races in Flint Park
Toddler races, 2nd graders running backwards, three legged creatures, a bunch of grown-ups trying to run with flippers on (at least one of them elected…) and water balloons, watermelon and hot dogs…
Happy 234th Birthday, America, from the Village of Larchmont! (150 images to follow….)
hit the right -> on your keyboard to scroll thru quickly…
These are great photos! Thanks Loop for being there to record the excitement….
PS to all – wondering if everyone knows that you can copy and download these photos (as long as the Loop doesn’t mind…!). You just go to the thumbnails at the bottom of photo screen (pops up when you roll over the bottom margin), open the photo you want and then download it via flickr, which comes up automatically! Pretty cool…
editrix we don’t mind at all…that’s why they’re there..thanks, wendy!