Budgets Pass in Mamaroneck Town and New Rochelle
In the Town of Mamaroneck, propety taxes will rise 6.1 percent next year under the $30.5 million budget unanimously approved by the Town Board Wednesday night.
In the unincorporated part of town, the owner of an average home assessed at $20,000 will pay $5,648 next year. That’s an increase of $328, or 6.1 percent.
In Larchmont and Mamaroneck villages, where residents pay town property taxes on top of village taxes, the owner of an average home will pay $453 — an increase of $106, or 30 percent.
In New Rochelle, the property tax will rise 2.81 percent. New Rochelle Mayor Noam Bramson sent the analysis here, with a link to his blog:
New Rochelle’s 2011 budget passed on Tuesday by a unanimous vote of the City Council. The budget continues many austerity measures begun two years ago when the national economy started to crumble: salary freezes; workforce reductions through attrition; and the defunding of many desirable but non-essential programs. Year-to-year operating expenses will be reduced and capital investment pared back. In short, it is a budget that befits the times, filled with difficult choices — but, in my opinion, as balanced in its priorities as economic circumstances permit.
What happened to the smaller 2.2% Mamaroneck Town tax increase widely reported a couple of months ago?