Fall Loop Events: Please Join Us!

Please join theLoop and other sponsors at these Community Events this Fall!












October 23 – at the Rag-a-Muffin parade in Larchmont, look for Scott Jones Photography …taking pictures of ghosts and goblins that you may download later from theLoop for no charge.


                       after the parade, please join us at Sweet-Teez of Larchmont , 157 Larchmont Ave.

You know Sweet Teez for scoops of great candy and ice cream and you know the Loop for the Scoop. Come to the HALLOWEEN TRIPLE SCOOP HOOPLA and hear the hallowed readings of  the Headless Poet.  Present this flyer and receive special prices on halloween treats on Sweet Teez candy, and the artwork of Mister Nick. 






October 25 – theLoop presents New York Times editor Mary Ann Giordano

“The Future of Local News”

 Please join us for an enlightening look into the future of local news coverage, and how the rapidly evolving medium offers unique opportunities for community involvement

 7:30 p.m. Monday, October 25

Tequila Sunrise, 145 Larchmont Avenue, Larchmont

$10 per person includes appetizers and program.

RSVP appreciated: to rsvp@theloopny.com





Sunday November 7–AJ’s Burgers and theLoop have teamed up for a great event ..but first, we need your best burger recipe.






The winner will get a burger a week for a year at AJ’s Burgers and America’s Favorite Foods in New Rochelle. And the Loop Burger goes on the menu.

All you have to do is submit your favorite burger recipe below the story here . It can be meat or vegetarian.  Just write it up in the comments section, below.

Once we have the list, we will set up a poll for loop readers to vote.

The three Super Loop Burger recipes that receive the most votes will be tested by a panel of Celebrity Judges at a cook-off at AJ’s on Sunday November 7. Tickets will be available soon.




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