First Summer St. Fair June 24

Mamaroneck Shares will hold the first of three night time street fairs Thursday, June 24, when several blocks of Mamaroneck Avenue will be closed to traffic.
Begun as an effort to hold a single fundraising event for one charity, Mamaroneck Shares has become an effort by local businesses to support three charities in the Mamaroneck community.
Spearheaded by Mikey Hynes, owner of Molly Spillane’s restaurant, Mamaroneck Shares is supported by a coalition including Village Mayor Norman Rosenblum, the Chamber of Commerce, business owners, and residents.
"We are excited to host our very first event on June 24th that will close our bustling Avenue to traffic and allow our friends and customers to enjoy a festive summer evening in Mamaroneck," says event coordinator Katelin Boyd.
The group has raised $5,000 to date in sponsorships, with Molly Spillane’s and Vincent’s Garage each pledging $2,000 and Village Pizza pledging $1,000.
"With this enthusiasm and the eager support from our village residents and businesses," Boyd says, we anticipate a truly exciting summer filled with food, family, and fun, while contributing to worthy local causes."
another rockin’ moment for mamaroneck avenue!!!