House Envy: LHS Annual HouseTour
This year, five homes on or near the water opened their doors to the historic-minded and the curious.
Phyllis Tarlow’s illustrations give an idea of what’s was in store and this from LHS tells the rest:
Tour: 4/25/10, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Post Tour Reception: at Mamaroneck Artists’ Guild: 3:00 – 6:00 PM, 126 Larchmont Avenue
Tickets: are currently available through mail-order to members of the Larchmont Historical Society. The prices are $35 for members and $40 for guests of members (the ticket price includes both the tour and the reception at the Mamaroneck Artists’ Guild). The tickets can also be purchased online at
For the week leading up to the tour, Larchmont realtors Houlihan Lawrence, Coldwell Banker, Weichert and Sotheby’s will sell tickets at their offices. The house tour journal will be available in the realtors’ offices for ticket purchasers; otherwise, tour-goers can pick up a journal at any of the five houses on the day of the tour. No children under the age of 12 are permitted on the tour.
The house tour is a fundraiser for the Larchmont Historical Society, chartered in 1981 as a non-profit organization to discover, preserve and disseminate information concerning the natural, social and civic history of Larchmont and to promote the preservation of historical sites and structures. For more information, visit, call (914) 381-2239 or write PO Box 742, Larchmont, NY 10538.
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