Larchmont: News Roundup

Fleeing burglars run over dog; Mayor pledges cooperation with store owners; Hair today, sea tomorrow.










A couple of would-be burglars, a man and a woman in a brown sedan, set their sites on stealing a large reel of heavy gauge wire from Cornerstone of Larchmont , a construction firm on North Avenue.

They were caught red-handed by Ronan Clarke of the Clarke Auction House next door.

The alleged burglars, witnesses say, then took off in their car at a high rate of speed,  running over a dog belonging to Cornerstone President Doug Mooney.

"He’s petty beat up, " Mooney says of his pit bull mix rescue pup, "but we were really lucky. No broken bones or internal injuries."

Meanwhile, Clarke chased the couple to the front of Longford’s at the corner of Palmer and East Avenue, and with a few others, managed to hold them there until police came. The couple was arrested. 


Mayor Josh Mandell met Friday morning with members of the Board of the Larchmont Chamber of Commerce after an unfriendly exchange between Board Members and small business owners at the Board Meeting May 10.

Businesses were frustrated to learn that special events, such as the outdoor street fair held last Bastille Day, enthusiastically supported by former Mayor Liz Feld, or Sidewalk Sales, such as one to be held in the Village June 3,4 and 5,  would be subject to never-before cited regulations about "peddling," Board members tell theLoop, as well as longer lead time requirements for proposing such ideas before the Board.

The Mayor said of Friday’s meeting, "

We enjoyed a constructive exchange of ideas about business improvement concepts."


And that Gisele is at it again. Last week it was announced she won a Red Cross award for her efforts to help anyone she can.  

Now, on May 23, she’s getting all tangled up with a wacky way to donate your locks:  

She writes, "Haircuts will be 1/2 off and your hair will be recycled into mats that naturally collect oil spills from our oceans.  The hair proceeds will go to "Matter of Trust". (

I guess if anyone’s hair can stop that oil spill, it’s mine.

1 Comment

  1. Ironicallly,Ronan probably then had an ice cream at Longford’s, where his recent birthday party was held.

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