Mamaroneck Election: Still No Progress


Village of Mamaroneck races for three trustees and a justice remained at a standstill Wednesday,


even as the question of how to handle uncounted ballots from last week’s election started working its way through the courts, a local politico said.

“We are in limbo,” said George Mgrditchian, chairman of the Village’s Republican Party.

“One way or another, we’d love to have closure,” he said.

Unofficial results showed Democratic Trustee incumbents John Hofstetter and Toni Pergola Ryan would likely keep their seats, with the race for the third Trustee and Village Justice positions still up for grabs.

The Village election – which should have come and gone more than a week ago – has been up in the air since problems with the new voting system’s tallying machines left four districts unable to count their votes.

The problematic machines, like many others throughout Westchester County, have been impounded while the courts and Board of Elections figure out what to do with them.



1 Comment

  1. Too bad we couldn’t keep the voting machines we had, or new versions of them.
    The mechanical lever machines have none of the drawbacks of computerized voting.
    In the first use of paper ballots this year, I found a real lack of privacy, as opposed to curtained voting booths

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