News from the Neighborhoods

Little bits from lots of places . . . and bigger parking tickets
Larchmont Village
Free Parking. Two hour parking on Village business area streets was extended to June 30, 2010.
Shove(l) It. Remember: the Village of Larchmont Code requires sidewalks to be shoveled within 24 hours of a storm.
Register to vote in the March 16, 2010 Village election for Mayor and two Trustees. Registration forms are due to the County Board of Elections by March 5 if you want to vote in the upcoming thus-far uncontested election.
New Deli. Larchmont Deli & Catering opened February 9th at 145 Chatsworth Avenue.
Mamaroneck Village
Parking Violations More Expensive. At the February 8 Village Board of Trustee meeting, the Board adopted higher fees, nearly tripling the cost of illegally parking in a handicapped space from $55 to $150. Metered parking violations now will cost $20, up from $15, but a second violation within 24 hours will be $25 (up from $20).
A hearing on increasing parking meter rates on Halstead Avenue was scheduled for February 22, 2010.
Also increased were charges for returned checks. The Village now will charge $20 plus whatever the bank charge is, currently around $35.
New Rochelle Notes
Roofless Gym New Rochelle’s NYSC to reopen February 20, according to the gym’s website.
Pay Now not Later. New Rochelle Mayor Noam Bramson announced changes to a land disposition agreement with AvalonBay Communities (with two high rise apartment buildings downtown) that will accelerate payments due to the City. AvalonBay has agreed to make its so-called Final Land Payments, which had been scheduled for 2029 and 2035, over the next four years: $3,000,000 this year and roughly $1.5 million annually for 2011 through 2014, for a total of about $9,000,000.
New Eats. Gallery Cafe coming to City Hall to run concessions. The original is in the BID at 41 Lawton Street.
New Commish. Michael W. Freimuth was appointed Development Commissioner for the City of New Rochelle, succeeding the late Craig King.
Mamaroneck Town
Got Kayaks? The recreation department is looking for a few used ocean kayaks to be used for a youth recreation program. If you have one (or many) to donate, contact (914) 381-7865 or email
Green Brochure. Don’t bother looking in your mail for the Recreation Department’s Spring/Summer 2010 Activities Brochure. It’ll be published online next month. If you need a hard copy, just call the office at 381-7865. Copies also will be available at the Hommocks Park Ice Rink and the Hommocks Pool.
Scarsdale Schools Snippet
In advance of a tough budget season, Scarsdale teachers voted to voluntarily reduce pay increases by one percent over the next two years, saving the school district almost $1.3 million.
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