Police Blotter 03.31.10

theLoop Police Blotter…another week in Paradise.
Mamaroneck – Village
A group of youths were congregated on the grounds of the F.E. Bellows Elementary School on Carroll Avenue after dark. Open cans of beer were littering the ground, however, no one appeared to be intoxicated. The youths were told to leave. March 23
While driving westbound on Boston Post Road, an 86-year old woman claims another vehicle came into her lane of traffic, causing her to swerve and hit a parked car. The woman was transported to Sound Shore Medical Center with unknown injuries. March 24
An unsuspecting 30-year old local woman was the victim of a scam masquerading as an innocent bystander requiring help. The perpetrator obtained the woman’s purse and ran away with it. March 25 Mamaroneck Avenue.
Officers had cause to arrest a 15-year old youth for selling drugs in a residential area. He was charged with criminal sale of marijuana in the 5th degree. The youth will have to appear in family court. March 25 Fenimore Road
An elderly couple received a phone call informing them they had won money. Suspecting it was a scam, they reported the incident to police. Franklin Avenue March 26
A man was arrested on Halstead Avenue for public urination. It was later found out that he had an outstanding warrant in Larchmont and was turned over to authorities there. March 26
Officers pulled over a vehicle with a blaring sound system on West Street, in the early hours of March 26. Approaching the vehicle, officers were alerted to the distinct odor of marijuana; they also observed a bag of marijuana in the vehicle. The driver, a 22-year old male, was placed under arrest and charged with unlawful possession of marijuana.
Two Bronx residents, a 17-year old and a 23-year old, were arrested for shoplifting hair products from CVS on Mamaroneck Avenue. March 27
An officer observed a driver crossing a double yellow line on Halstead Avenue and pulled her over. The driver appeared to be drunk, and was arrested for DWI. The driver refused to take a Datamaster test. She was charged with failing to take a Datamaster, DWI, and left of center (traffic infraction). March 28
A 30-year old male was caught shoplifting numerous items from A&P on Mamaroneck Avenue. He was issued an appearance ticket and is due back in court on April 1. March 29
Mamaroneck – Town
Upon discovery of an electrical wire originating from his boiler room and leading to his tenant’s apartment, the owner of a residence on Weaver Street reported that his tenants were stealing electricity from him. March 23
An employee of Recovery Physical Therapy on Boston Post Road returned from lunch to find her iPod missing from her work area. March 25
After losing control of his vehicle, a man hit a utility pole forcefully while driving east on Boston Post Road. Police were called to the scene and charged the man with aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, aggravated vehicular assault, and operating a motor vehicle under the influence (a felony charge). A passenger in the car was transported to Sound Shore Medical Center with unknown injuries. March 27
A vehicle parked on Jefferson Street was damaged. There were scratches on the passenger side rear and front doors. March 28
A female resident of Wellhouse Lane reported her car tire had been punctured while parked in the driveway of her home. March 28
A sick raccoon reportedly came out of a sewer on Brite Avenue, and was trespassing on a resident’s lawn. The resident was advised to call back if the raccoon came out of the sewer again. March 22
A 67-year old individual overdosed at an apartment on Garth Road. He was transported to White Plains Hospital for treatment. March 23
An Oakstwain Road resident reported a suspicious yellow Porsche Cayenne parked in their driveway for a long period of time. The driver and his passenger claimed they were making a u-turn, and promptly drove away. Due to a recent burglary in the area, the resident was concerned. March 24
After several burglaries in the area, a Brite Avenue resident checked his residence for signs of forced entry. The homeowner discovered a loose screen on one of his rear windows. Police determined that the screen was unlocked but it did not appear as though force had been used on the screen in an attempt to dislodge it. March 28
During a heavy rainstorm on March 29, a Cooper Road woman heard a noise from the front of her property. Looking out, she noticed a man by her front door. Police did not find anyone in the area matching the description of the man.
Three lowercase “K”s were scrawled on a telephone pole at Chesterfield and Brewster Rd. The graffiti has since been covered. March 23
A 27-year old Wappingers Falls male was observed driving erratically on Crane Road on March 23, striking a curb in his path and stopping in an intersection between Crane Road and East Parkway. Police observed the man swaying, with a strong odor of liquor emanating from him. The man admitted to drinking, was arrested, and was administered a Datamaster test. His blood alcohol content was well over the legal limit and he was released on an appearance ticket.
An 83-year old Crane Road resident reported her polka dot pants missing from her home on March 25.
A $5,000 Viking six-burner cooktop was reported missing from the construction site of a new home on Brittany Close the evening of March 25. The rear basement door was forced open. The site was not alarmed.
Several items, including a wallet, iPod, North Face jacket, and Starbucks gift card, were reported missing from a Scarsdale High School student’s locker on March 27. 1055 Post Road
Two Brite Avenue neighbors were burglarized the night of March 27, possibly by the same individual. The first residents arrived home to discover the closet in their master bedroom was ransacked. Missing items included $500 in cash and a box of assorted jewelry. It appears that the thieves made entry through a rear family room window, which may have been unlocked. The second residents arrived home to discover jewelry and several men’s watches missing from the bedroom. The remainder of the house appeared to be untouched. Entry appears to have been made through an exterior living room screen that was cut. Neither home had an alarm system.
A pedestrian crossing Chase Road in the middle of a downpour was hit by a ’02 Nissan that was making a left turn onto Chase from Popham. The pedestrian, a Bronx resident, complained of pain to her right foot and head. Scarvac determined the woman had a fractured foot and transported her to White Plains Hospital for treatment. The driver was issued two summonses. March 28
A Connecticut man reported on 3/22 that sometime between 10/1/09 and 3/21/10 someone stole his bicycle, valued in excess of $2500, while it was housed in the garage of the residence of a friend on Oak Ave.
A scofflaw vehicle with $265 in outstanding fines was impounded and towed from West Ave on 3/24.
A Palmer Ave business owner reported on 3/26 that sometime during the early morning hours someone stole boxes containing consumable goods from the front of his business.
A Mamaroneck Village man was returned on a vehicle and traffic law misdemeanor warrant on 3/27 after being cited for an unrelated a violation by Mamaroneck Village Police. Steven Ortega, 22, was produced before the court and released on $95 bail.
How is that you missed:
March 20, 2010
Village of Mamaroneck
3 car hit and run on Prospect Avenue
Mamaroneck man, while driving under the influence, crashed into 2 parked cars on Prospect Avenue, Mamaroneck, NY, and drove away from the scene. Police respond, track down driver, and make arrest. editrix: good question!