Rumorville: New Biz!
Now that you’ve taken the loop*poll on the home page to tell us what new small businesses you want to see fill those empty storefronts,
herewith, three new ones for Larchmont:
Larchmont Wellness – a chiropractic and wellness practice in the old Burbank Whittemore Real Estate house on Boston Post Road.
Pet Pantry Warehouse-Coming to the Mrs. Green’s shopping center (in the old nail salon space). Expanding the fun, friendly pet supply franchise that already has locations in Rye and Greenwich.
and there is a new salon on Palmer Avenue across from Pinebrook Parkway…
How about an “affordable” gym in the Duane Reade building on Boston Post Road. It seems like every other community has an option in the 20-40 dollar a month range but us. We get to choose from $70 a month at one club and $120 a month at the other.
Thanks for the update! I wish success to all the new ventures. Been to Pet Pantry in Greenwich many times. A great destination with a good selection but fairly pricey. I guess it’s hard to compete on price when the benchmark is the pet superstores.
How about a Whole Foods??? I’d love one of those around the mamaroneck/larchmont area.
Whole Foods is so boring. The great news is: Fairway is coming!
[quote][i]You can’t expect to meet the challenges of today with yesterday’s tools and expect to be in business tomorrow[/i]. – Author unknown.[/quote]
So if Fairway is coming to Pelham, along with other businesses, is it possible that Pelham knows something that Larchmont/Mamaroneck doesn’t or is Pelham just more open to change? Do empty storefronts tell us a story, give us an opportunity?
A storefront, an opportunity, a thinking mind – terrible things to waste.
I realize it may not be the most popular with some of the local store owners but I think the town needs to embrace and actively recruit more commercial high-end stores such as Ralph Lauren, Hermes, Citarella etc. If you look at some towns out in the hamptons that are relatively small yet affluent there was one or two big names that popped up and then over time many others joined in, which ultimately led to increased house values and many more shoppers actually spending money in those towns. I believe Larchmont has all the makings for a thriving high-end commercial shopping area but we certainly would have to be more open to the types of stores that we allow in our town.
Another pet food place is moving in near Guitar Center on Palmer Ave. A personal fitness studio is moving into the new building on Addison Street. whoopie.
the way the village is set up (NOT ENOUGH PARKING) is the major problem in my opinion. the streets unlike Mamk ave or Greenwich ave or Purchase St. arent good here for walkng, no one wants to park far away and walk here.
Tung Hoy is deteriorating more and more – what is the DEAL with that spot?! Prime real estate that just looks worse and worse. Why can’t our officials and commercial realtors work together more aggressively to fill all these empty places?! If I were thinking of moving into the area and drove around, seeing TH, Duane Reade, Boaters World not to mention all the dark storefronts in town, I’d think the area was on the decline. Not good – it’s like the social theory of the broken store window; it tends to have a negative ripple effect. If independents can’t afford the rents, is it so bad to offer these places up to chains?! Isn’t revenue that benefits us all the main thing?
[quote][i]When you are through changing, you are through.[/i] – Bruce Barton[/quote]
Yes, LocalLarchmonter, [i]’the way the village'[/i] and the surrounding town [i]’is set up'[/i] is a major problem. [i]’The current one is so-o-o- last Century'[/i] (apologies Editrix, if different context).
As a village, as a town, we are trying to figure out what to put in the boxes of yesteryear. It would be similar to a telephone company trying to rent telephone with cords and dials. (And sorry, no offense meant, as a few may still have those; but probably not many are looking for new ones.)
We need to make the major structural changes to our community as other communities have done and are doing, to match the way we live now and will in the future – hmm, the mobile smartphones.
We can wish for the past or pretend it exists. Or we can continue to deny reality, and watch others succeed.
We are fortunate in our community to have the human resources necessary to do what we need to do, provided we allow it and all together commit to doing it. Provided that the government that we elect supports it with a commitment to speedy change rather than providing the bureaucracy of interference. [b]The choice is ours and we make it everyday.[/b]
P.S. Having sidelined to the topic of telephones above, here a sidebar. As we ‘spring forward’ our ‘clocks’ this weekend, some safety reminders. 1. where necessary, change the batteries in smoke alarms and flashlights; 2. check the rechargeable batteries in cordless phones/modems, etc. 3. and if you do have one phone line provided to your house on standard copper wire (POTS), keep one ‘purchased’ corded phone around. Please, keep your safety plan up to date and stay safe so we can all shape the future together.
always wished Barnes & Noble would open in the Duane Reade lot. Another bookstore never hurts and what a great place for the local kids to hang out.
As a commercial broker in the area. Hers what I can tell you.
The Duane Reade location is going to be a Panera Bread. Tung Hoy is owned by Bank of America.
I have been trying to get through to the village for the longest time. I have a major food purveyor who wants to come to the area and NOONE will talk to me.
I also have many ideas to help Larchmont with many stores. but.. let me ask.
Is it full stores you want ? more tax revenue for the village ? more jobs created ? What is the real reason ?
Lou Klein
NAI/Friedland Realty
The Panera-in-DR rumor swirled last year and we all got excited – is it a for sure this time, Lou?! Don’t toy with us…
Re the small storefronts – in many cases now, especially on Palmer, there are empty spots right beside each other. Maybe these could be combined to make larger store footprints more attractive to potential businesses?
Re Tung Hoy and B of A…can the Town pressure them to do something there, then?! Why is it being allowed to just lie fallow? If the bank isn’t going to use it, they should sell it off to someone who can turn it into a thriving business, not an eyesore we’re all embarrassed to look at.
@K1956 ..
Combined stores to make larger stores ? that would work, if there was enough contiguous space that had the same owner.
As to making B of A do something with the property on BPR ? well, as you know you cant force a property owner to do anything with their own property. As long as the taxes are being paid there is nothing that can be done. Well, there is.. but nobody will mention the words..
What does Larchmont really want ?
I’ve searched all over the ‘net for confirmation on this Panera thing, and I can only find signed leases for half a dozen other locations – none of them in Mamaroneck.
editrix the last time this rumor floated i contacted Panera’s real estate office- there is a number on their website…and they said there were no plans…back then. will you ask them and lets is know?