Senator Feld?

Not that Senate this time…the U.S. Senate!
Larchmont Mayor Liz Feld is weighing a run for the U.S. Senate seat from New York now held by Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand:
Statement from Mayor Liz Feld
November 25, 2009
"I am actively considering a run for the United States Senate and expect to make a final decision sooner rather than later. The ever-growing debt coming out of Washington is alarming. It will have serious implications for New York and for the next generation of Americans. Priority number one in this country has to be debt reduction and long-term tax relief. That will be the major focus of my campaign should I formally enter this race."-Liz Feld 11/25/09
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Seriously! her commitment at creating controversial issues makes her a good candidate.
I am surprised at Liz’s latest caper in light of last year’s election debacle. In her run for State Senate, Liz lost in her own district. She should take a hint from her would-be constituents and not run for national office.
Kirsten Gillibrand is a Democrat.
editrix: right you are! thank you for the correction.
I would rather vote for Sarah Palin…