Special Meeting: July 1. 2009

                                    Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of  Trustees of the Village of Larchmont, New                                             York, held on WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 2009.

 editrix: spacing is funky; scroll down a lot….


PRESENT:      Mayor Elizabeth Feld

















Auth. solicitation of bids for new Parking Meter System for Railroad Station





Set rates for 2009 Tennis Permits



                        Trustees Marlene Kolbert

                                      Anne H. McAndrews

                                      Richard Ward

                                      Josh Mandell


ABSENT:       None


Also Present:   Clerk Finn, Treasurer Brucciani,

                        Public Works Foreman Rick Vetere


Mayor Feld called the meeting to order at 9:15 AM, and said that the Board had been meeting in Executive Session since 8:30 AM on personnel and legal matters.


On motion of Trustee Kolbert, seconded by Trustee Ward, and unanimously carried, it was:


RESOLVED, to authorize Treasurer Brucciani and Clerk Finn to solicit bids for the purchase of a new parking meter system for Lot #3 (upper lot) at the Larchmont Railroad Station.


On motion of Trustee Ward, seconded by Trustee McAndrews, and unanimously carried, it was:


RESOLVED, to approve the following rates for tennis permits for the 2009 season, with the understanding that no family permits or out-of-town permits will be sold for this season:


Junior Permits (ages up to 18) – $15.00

Adult Permits – $65.00

Senior Citizen Permits – $45.00


Along with this resolution, it was noted that the guest fee will remain at $10 this year, but all guests must be accompanied by a permit holder in order to play on the Flint Park Tennis Courts.


On motion of Trustee McAndrews, seconded by Trustee Mandell, and unanimously carried, the Board returned to Executive Session at

10:00 AM.




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