Update: BB Gun Shooting at RNHS

A letter sent by an unnamed parent to theLoop shows the student suspended from Rye Neck schools for firing a BB gun at another student


was a 6th Grader, not a High School student, as police had indicated. The letter from Schools Superintendent Dr. Peter Mustich, is below.


Village police had said said a student "under the age of 16," was the suspect.

He has been suspended for one calendar year after he accidentally shot another student in the lef with a BB gun on April 7.

The second student was not injured.

Police charged him with unlawful possession of a weapon. he was sent to Family Court and Child Protective Services is involved.


Dear Parents,

As you may know, an incident occurred last week at the middle school on Wednesday in which a 6th grade student brought in and apparently discharged a small plastic spring-loaded gun that fires plastic BBs. The incident was not witnessed by any teachers or administrators, but was instead brought to their attention by another student.

Of course, student and staff safety is our first priority. Upon notification, the police were immediately called and investigated the situation. As of today, the matter is being addressed in Family Court, the student will not return to school this year, and further disciplinary action may occur.

I’m writing today because I believe our communication on this matter could have been better. Working with our legal representative, our team (including myself and the middle school principal) crafted a message that did go home to parents last Friday, but it was only sent to the parents of sixth grade students. In retrospect, we should have sent the message to all parents to reassure you of our quick response to this situation, and it should have been done a bit sooner. Please know that this did not occur because we were largely focused on taking the opportunity to address the matter directly with our middle school student body, as well as dealing with the individual student, his representatives, and the appropriate agencies involved.

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to call me at your convenience.

Best Regards, 

Dr. Peter Mustich



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