Update: More Black Smoke @ Larchmont Acres

The smoke was heavy enough Wednesday that soemeone from Central School called the Fire Department to investigate, according to the County Health Department.
A Health Dept. inspector will return Friday in an effort to catch the problem himself, which he told us sounds like an problem with a huge oil burner. Loop readers- anyone got pictures?
The boiler at Larchmont Acres building 7 continues to spew black smoke from its chimney despite calls to the super,from the Town code enforcement officer. This matter has been referred to the county board of health since the county is supposedly responsible for determining whether emissions are harmful. It is difficult to imagine that thick black smoke is not harmful to one’s health particularly to children who attend Central School next door. The County has done nothing so far and this problem continues to persist. Community pressure is needed.
editrix: this is the second post we have received about this problem, as well as several comments after the first post. We urge all of you to contact the County Board of Health about this issue: New Rochelle office- 914.813.5000, then press 3. They will ask for the address, which is Richbell Road and Boston Post Rd.
I am not sure about up here but inthe city these things are regulated by the DEP–so maybe someone shuld call the State DEC and find out a) what the code is and b) who does code enforcement (which very well may be DOH–)