Wanted: One School Principal

After all the time and money spent looking for a new superintendent, the Mamaroneck School District is allowing exactly












19 days for interested (and qualified candidates) to submit resumes and supporting materials for consideration for the position being vacated by Dr. Mark Orfinger.


That’s right. They have from Sunday, April 11th until April 30th to apply for a position that becomes effective July 1st – leaving Mamk school district officials very little time to properly consider the resumes and conduct interviews and make a deliberate decision, not one made in undue haste. Perhaps the board is counting on the very short application window resulting in a dearth of applications, making the review process manageable.


Are they prepared NOT to hire a principal if there are no suitable applicants?


Missing from the list of required attributes a candidate for the principal’s position must have are a personality and sense of humor. Also missing from the ad copy are "seasoned labor negotiator with a track record of winning concessions" and "compensation based on performance."



"Not Qualified to Apply"



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