Watching Water Use

Both the Town and Village of Mamaroneck report a significant increase in water use due to the record heat and lack of rain.







According to Town Administrator Steve Altieri, this is especially true in the north end of the Town in and around Old White Plains Road.

"(We can) avoid serious problems that could hinder the Westchester Joint Water Works’ ability to provide adequate water pressure for fire protection, essential functions, and water service to residents," Altieri says.

The Village, Town and the Water Works ask that you abide by the following restrictions:

·         Water lawns and gardens every other day

·         No vehicle washing

·         Limit laundry and dishwasher use to midday and/or between midnight and 4 AM

·         Limit water use wherever and whenever possible

·         Inform the Water Works immediately if you observe a water main leak on your property or at any other location. You can reach the Water Works Distribution Department at (914) 424 4370.

·         Make sure that the Water Works valves on your property are easily accessible and unobstructed.


At this time water use restrictions are on a voluntary basis in order to minimize the potential for interruption of your water service. Should conditions worsen, these restrictions may become mandatory.


If you have questions,  contact the Town of Mamaroneck at (914) 381 7810 or the Westchester Joint Water Works at (914) 698 3500.


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