Why Feld’s Not Fielding

Larchmont Mayor Liz Feld’s decision not to seek the Republican nomimation in the New York U.S. Senate race was not surprising.
But the spin might be. Spokesman Bill O’Reilly (no,not that Bill O’Reilly) tells theLoop: "
Just bad timing. Too many time commitments. A race of this size, as you well know, takes every waking hour. That’s tough with family commitments.
"It’s a real shame," he adds. "Kirsten Gillibrand is beatable, but someone else will have to do it. There will be others days and races ahead."
Gillibrand, the mother of a five and a one-year old, served as Special Counsel to Andrew Cuomo when he was Secrtary of Housing and Urban Development.
Feld has made no public decision about running for re-election as Mayor of Larchmont.
Today (1/21) on Phil Reisman’s radio show on WVOX, Liz Feld announced that she would not re-run as a candidate for State Senate against 25 year incumbent Suzi Oppenheimer.